August 7 – August 21 (tuition: $600)

THE DEADLINE for the application is Friday, July 1st, 2022.

Application for the program is available HERE >>> (please make sure to select CLO Summer Music Academy on the form)
Also required with the application are:
– resume
– the link to the YouTube or similar recording.

Classes will run from 12 noon to 5 pm
Festival Performances: August 7 – 21
Performance Details will be announced soon

Works under consideration:
Pergolesi Magnificat

Bach cantata TBA

The Music Institute classes will run from 12 pm to 5 pm daily, for 5 days a week, for either 2 weeks. Classes will take place at the St. James Episcopal Church in Farmington, CT.

Since 2011, The Connecticut Lyric Opera (CLO), in collaboration with the Connecticut Virtuosi, has provided educational summer workshops in opera vocal performance for Connecticut’s young singers.  The program called the CLO Summer Music Institute has been popular among high school graduates, and young college-age participants. 
The Summer Music Institute Program contributes to the development of students’ artistic sensitivity and musical skills, which have been proven in numerous studies to be closely linked to academic achievement and future social and economic success.

Our outstanding, internationally acclaimed, and very dedicated instructors are always interacting closely with students – teaching, socializing, and sharing their performance experiences. This inspirational and indispensable relationship gives our students a great boost of self-confidence and a sense of accomplishment

The faculty of the Opera institute include:

Adrian Sylveen, conductor, artistic director CLO
Jurate Svedaite, professor, Connecticut College, soprano, CT Lyric Opera
Deborah Lifton, CT Lyric Opera
Jan Mason, Stage Director, CCSU, CT Lyric Opera
Brunilda Myftaraj, violinist, concertmaster, CVCO
Nathaniel Baker, piano coach, University of Rhode Island
Blake Hansen, piano coach, Hartt School of Music,

Guest lectures:
Lynne Strow – Piccolo, mezzo-soprano, retired – La Scala Theater, Milan, Italy
Alex Nakimovsky – jazz pianist and musical theater coach
Steve Fredericks – bass, CT Lyric Opera, Greve Opera Festival, Italy

Other masterclasses will be announced later.

The Institute’s program will include vocal coaching, language pronunciation training, history of music/composers, staging classes, work with pianists, master-classes from guest lecturers, and public performances.

Each day at the Institute includes individual and group instructions. There are also regular discussions with the participants about the themes and emotional content of the music being performed and about their experiences of learning and playing music together.

Brakes for social interactions, lunch are scheduled as well. The typical day starts with an individual class with the pianist coach and the vocal teacher, following by the work with the stage director, discussion of dramatic issues of the play, and finally, staging sessions. The Institute follows the idea of artistic collaborations and social interactions supported first by the proper vocal technique preparation.

The CLO Summer Opera Institute addresses the need for intensive music education for talented and motivated students, that is affordable yet rigorous, comprehensive, and provided by world-class instructors. It also exposes the students and the wider community to a series of diverse and inspiring opera performances. After a year when live musical performance was limited or non-existent,  and when funding for musical education at public schools is limited, it is even more important that students have opportunities to connect with the beauty and focus offered by music education and performance.  The program is open exclusively to students age 16 and older who demonstrate a command of their voice and the ability to read vocal music.