Please support Connecticut Lyric Opera’s productions and mission by advertising in tour Playbill distributed at our Main Stage opera productions.

Your ad, which will appear in the playbill of each of these productions, will reach an affluent audience of many of the area’s business leaders and decision makers. Due to the fact that only 30 – 40% of a performing arts organization’s income comes from ticket sales, your company’s support, at whatever level, will be particularly helpful and tremendously appreciated. We thank you in advance for your consideration.

FYI: According to a recent survey by the National Endowment for the Arts, opera-goers are the most affluent and best educated audience of all of the performing arts. Another study revealed that opera has the fastest growing attendance rate of all performing art forms and more than 6.6 million people attend at least one opera annually!*

Click here to download CLO’s Playbill Advertising Form.

*Information provided by OperaAmerica, and is available at